Guided Art Meditation: Painting a Moment
Choose one of the paintings before you. Take a few deep breaths, inhaling slowly and deeply, and exhaling fully.
Imagine time stretching out like a long, elastic band. With each exhale, feel your body grounding itself, sinking deeper into the present moment. Picture the world around you pausing, as if captured in a single frame. The past, present & future become one.
Focus on the painting. Imagine the scene within the painting is alive. Immerse yourself in the colors, shapes, and textures.
Focus on the captured moment in the painting. What do you see, hear, and feel? Explore the boundaries and movement. Notice the space where the indoors meets the outdoors. Do the windows feel like a portal to another realm, another time?
Imagine someone else experiencing this same moment, but from a different perspective. Perhaps they see colors you cannot, or hear sounds beyond your perception. Consider the countless other versions of yourself who might have experienced the space in this image differently.
Observe the colors in the painting shifting and changing. Imagine the hues around you inverting, flipping like a switch. Blues morph into greens, yellows become prominent, and purples, reds, pinks, and oranges dance before your eyes. How does this transformation make you feel?
Focus on the calming blues evolving into vibrant greens. Let the energy of yellow fill your spirit with optimism. Immerse yourself in the rich tapestry of purples, reds, pinks, and oranges. Now, let your gaze wander to the sources of light within the painting. Feel the warmth and serenity they radiate.
Allow the colors and energy of the painting to wash over you, bringing peace and clarity. When you're ready, gently return your focus to your breath and bring the art experience into your present moment.
This video and guided meditation was created for "Imagined Worlds: A Visual Narrative Exhibit" at Atlantic Gallery in NYC.